1994 >> June >> Recent Insulator Finds in Canada  

Recent Insulator Finds in Canada
by Jack Hayes

Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", June 1994, page 8

Three insulators previously not reported have been found in Canada. They are all ramshorn types, two pottery and one iron clad. The iron clad is a Brooks Patent, dated on the top: "PAT.D NOV. 26 1864" as shown in Gerald Brown's book Unique Collectible Insulators, 1975. At the time of publishing, this date had not been seen on a Brooks. The diagram shows the insulator and the wood block it came in.

Brooks Ramshorn dated with 1864 patent date.

The next is a cream colored pottery ramshorn similar to the Brooks. It would have been in a crossarm as the groove actually runs in the same direction as the rams horn, i.e. the wire direction.

"Could be" a Brooks porcelain ramshorn.

A.M. McKay Pattern -- 
F. L. Pope's list in 1869 
"Before Threads" by Delling, 1971

Pottery Insulators with slots for dowling pins.

Finally the C. LUNDY embossed REID BROS. LONDON in tan pottery. A piece of the rotting wood block recovered with the ramshorn shows this one to be held in the block like the Brooks. There were two size of Lundys as shown in the two diagrams and photos. The larger one recovered by Bob Harding (also picture in the February 1993 issue of Crown Jewels) is pictured on the following page. As in the case of Bob, I have not as yet prepared the story of these insulators, but will want to give a detailed account of the great effort and adventure that went into finding these insulators at a future date.

Smaller Lundy ramshorn.

'Smaller Lundy ramshorn. Shown with and without the
 piece of wood block recovered with the insulator.

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